MPM Collection – Franklin Pierce Concord - State House - Pierce monument - copy- (From President Pierce Home in Concord Series) Pierce, Mary - with a lot of hair Hillsborough -Pierce, Mary Hillsborough - Franklin Pierce Homestead Hillsborough - Franklin Pierce Homestead Hillsborough - Tuttle Stone Arch Bridge - Pierce Lake - “Copyright W. H. Manahan, Jr.†Pierce, Susie - young lady sitting, with hat Hillsborough - Franklin Pierce Homestead - interior - parlor, front wall, oval portrait FP Hillsborough - Franklin Pierce Homestead - interior - parlor - looking at front wall,whatnot, round table, 2 upholstered chairs Hillsborough - Franklin Pierce Homestead - interior - parlor - wallpaper Hillsborough - Bridge - Pierce Barbecue Oven [Copy] Pierce, Benjamin Franklin Pierce was the fourteenth president of the United States and the only president from New Hampshire. [sc_PrevNext]